Monday, October 17, 2011

Back to the grind

It's been just over three weeks since Chesapeakeman, but I'm starting to feel better.  I've done a few sessions with a running coach, who's also a "Crossfit" guy and minimalist believer.

Surprisingly, he's had the most believable information.  He wasn't preaching 5 fingers, instead saying minimalist/barefoot is great for learning "perception" and better form.  This is what some of the top guys on slowtwitch are saying.  I got some great drills and feedback on form, so I'll be focusing on those and a few 5k's this winter.

Biking is slowly going.  I've got a better fit and have focused on working out the issues with my glutes to help stabalize and get rid of some nerve issues I've had.

Swimming is feeling better, I just need to focus on keeping the form for long sets.

2012 is right around the corner, and here are my lofty goals.  I'm going to introduce speedwork into my running and more power focus to increase my FTP on the bike.

5k - sub 17
5 miles  - sub 30 (haven't done a 5 miler in awhile
13.1 - sub 1:25
26.1 - BQ :)

local sprint races -AG wins or podium spot (will be tough)
sub 4:40 70.3