Thursday, March 31, 2011

over training

People have been asking me a lot lately how to tell if I've been over training.  For me, there are a few big standouts.
  1. Overuse injury - any kind of tendonitis, etc
  2. I wake up and do not want to do the workout
  3. I have no motivation to do workouts PERIOD
I've got my first sprint next weekend, and motivation is kind of low right now.  Last weekend, I  bailed on the long ride and instead got furniture and put the nursery together.  It took 8.5 hours to put everything together...and I was exhausted.

I woke up Sunday and debated doing the run, but I figured it'd give me the best simulation I've had so far of being tired.  I did my 9 miles at a 7:53 pace, but it was rough.  My legs were tired, and felt worse when I stopped.

Tuesday, my right ankle started bothering me.  I tweaked it last week on a ride and decided to take some time off.  I'm going to focus on swimming and see how running/biking goes the next two days.  With my goal of Chesapeakman, I'm really backing off at the first signs of an injury, something I've never done before.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Race Schedule

I've got my race schedule set for the year.  With Chesapeakeman being my main race, I'm not doing too many races this year.  Below is how my schedule looks.  I'll do a few road races and tri's.  In May and July, I'll do long training sessions on my own to simulate races (oly/half).  I've got a house booked for Chesapeakeman, and training is going great!

April 10 - Hempfield sprint
April 30 - 5k
June 5 - Pinchot Sprint
June 26 - Morgantown 70.3
August - ?? road race
September 24 - Chesapeakeman

Sunday, March 13, 2011

CP (FTP) test and first race of the season

Friday I did another CP (FTP) test, following the computrainer PIG program.  I did 20 minutes, but went out too hard at the start.  Finished 7.5% higher than my last test, but it was rough.  Great to see progress though.  The next 10 weeks are going to be brutal, but will lay a great foundation.

Lauren and I went to Scranton for the St. Patrick's day parade.  We both did the 2 mile fun run before hand.  The weather was cool, but nice.  I didn't bring shorts, so I ran in baggy pants...almost a huge mistake.  Lauren finished around 20:30 and felt great.  I came in at 11:15, but my lungs were killing me.  I have done 0 speedwork, so it was tough.  My legs felt great though, hoping I have the foundation to break 18 at the race against racism.

I'm happy with how the first race went.  I won my AG, and placed around 6th or 7th overall.  The top guys were college students (and one high schooler) on the cross country team, so not too shabby for a triathlete.

On a side note, I broke and fixed my treadmill.  Learning a lot about how they work, but so far I've replaced the deck ($30 fix), the power switch/breaker ($40 with shipping).  This time, the belt on the motor got loose, so it was slipping.  After reading up online, I found some instructions and made the adjustment late Thursday night.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I still remember learning the Konami code for Contra...I was in first grade and loved my nintendo.  I was told I was obessed with it, but hey, I'm a computer programmer now so it must have all worked out.

Well, what does Konami have to do with triathlon?  Kiwami Konami is an amazing long distance triathlon suit.  Kiwami's Amphibian suit was worn as a speedsuit during Kona last year, but this is their ITU style's not an official speedsuit.

I'm psyched to be racing in a Kiwami Konami for 2011...and most likely 2012 as gear lasts me a few seasons.  The suit has two back pockets, perfect for long rides, and built in gel pockets.  I may take a trick from Jordan Rapp and stash salt tabs in those pockets on the run.

Definitely check out Konami suits.  I think the Amphibian is an amazing short course suit, with the Konami covering the rest.  Some pro's even race the Amphibian for 70.3 and longer distances.