Thursday, February 24, 2011

Training, gear, etc

I've hit a plateu in my bike training.  I'm waiting for the weather to get better so I can get some rides outside.  Looking to do a 3 hr bike ride Saturday on the computrainer.  Not going for speed, just to get the distance in.  I'm really happy with my running though.

I'm hoping my swimming takes off this year, with big help with my new Xterra Vortex 3 wetsuit.  I'm proud to be a part of Xterra for 2011.  There is a poll on now asking "what your next wetsuit will be".  It's no surprise Xterra is #1 right now.  Their suits are top notch, and priced more competitive than others.

There is a big debate on slowtwitch about sponsorship.  The pro's want more money, some "c" level athletes ask for the whole world, and a lot of triathletes are saying "I don't care who/what a pro uses".  I think too many companies waste money on pro's.  I don't buy something b/c Chris Lieto or Andy Potts uses it.  The reason I was interested in Xterra was my dad purchased a vortex 3 himself and loved it.

Xterra shows amazing grass roots support.  They sponsor the average joe, along with Triathlon clubs.  Too many companies are overlooking this demographic, which is MUCH larger then what they target now.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week 7

So I'm in week 7 of my training.  Effort wise, I'm at where I was in June (minus some speed work) of last year.  My body is feeling good, but it's taking a toll.  Today was one of those days I just wanted to sleep all day and do nothing.  I did a 30 minute trainer ride...all I could muster up.

When I started training, I was hoping to be doing 3/6/9 miles now for running, have a 2.5-3 hr ride under my belt, and be around a 3.2-3.3 CP30/FTP.  I'm waiting until March/April to do some real tests outside.  My bike setup is drastically different from my last race at Timberman.  I've gotten a better fit, went with compact cranks, and 165mm crank lengths.  I've got an issue with my biceps femoris/fibular head in my right knee that causes extreme pain when I exert force past under 120 degrees of flexion.  I can not do heavy squats because of this.  I'm now focusing on a higher cadance, but always did.

I'm hoping to step it up on swimming.  So far, my workouts have gone well.  I'm doing 2-2.4k sets now, which was easy to build up.  I attribute this to my climbing backround, and having the core/back strength.

I did a 3 mile run with Anne (dog), which had us at a 6:50 pace...but she was tired on the last mile.  Other than that, I've been recovering well and enjoying the runs, just need to keep up with the recovery runs.

Biking has been odd.  Some days are good, others are bad.  I just need to get out and do a few TT's to gauge my progress and go from there.  The weather is getting MUCH better though.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ups and downs

Last weekend, I did my CP30 test.  Came in at 3 w/g...not the best, but it's a start.  I felt much better then past attempts though.  I followed it up with a good 7.2 mile run Sunday and a swim.

Monday started a new week and I was hoping to have a week where I was able to complete every workout, including recovery runs.  Wednesday, I had to bail on the recovery run after a mile due to back pain.  Today, I stopped over half way into a tempo run due to my knee acting up.  I'm NOT overdoing it this time.

I plan to take it easy this weekend with the running. I'll do a long bike Saturday, then maybe a 5k outside Sunday to see how the body is holding up.  Swimming is going much better, but still a lot of base work to do. I feel much better compared to the beginning of the month, and am getting excited to see how my progress goes.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

One Month Down

First month did it fly.  I started off with a CT ride of the Columbia, MD course and averaged 180 watts.  It was tough (I went 1:13:24 in May last year).  Started the 20 week P.I.G CT program and did a few 2 hr trainer rides and a bunch of tempo/interval rides.

I'm over 20 mpw for running, which isn't that much.  I'm doing 2-3 recovery runs, 2 moderate runs, and one long run.  So far everything has been going well and I'm staying healthy.  I'm not focusing on speed/power, but building my base.

Swimming has been non-existent.  I've hit the pool three times this year, but have done some long sets.  I'll start doing two sessions a week, with one being endurance, and the other speed.  I took an easy week last week, mostly because of biking intensity.  My body isn't used to the effort I've been doing.  I'm usually a 3-4 weeks on, 1 off type of person anyways.

I've got an FTP test this weekend on the CT.  I'm hoping to hit 190-200 watts on the 30 minute test.  My long run will be 7.2 miles at a 7.6 mph pace, so I'm getting close to the 1hr mark.  Last year, it took me until May to hit 1 hr of running, but I did a lot of tempo/speed work.  I did ramp it up in June/July though.

I haven't done any speedwork test, so I'm nervous about how that will be.  I've got a few road races and sprints lined up that I'd like to compete in.  I plan on adding some speework in March, but one of my moderate runs will be 20 min w/u and c/d, then the rest at a 6:30 pace.  Once I hit 4/8/12 for my running, I will shuffle my mileage and get my long run up to 16 miles and just reduce my moderate runs to 6 miles.  Due to previous injuries, I think I'll max at 16 (maybe 18) for my running and just do the full distance in the race for the first time.